Frequently Asked Questions


Question: How do I get involved?


Answer: Community Meetings are held at 7 p.m. quarterly on the first Tuesday of March, June, Sept and December. (Click here for the community meetings calendar.) Elections are held in October at a special election meeting. The meeting location is the clubhouse at 546 East Drive. All are welcome. 


Additionally, the Board of Directors usually meets the first Tuesday of every month. You can call any Director with an idea, attend a meeting, or email us:


Additional Insured

Question: Clubhouse rental agreement requires that I add CMIA as an ‘additional insured’ to my policy. Is there any alternative? I reached out to my homeowner's insurance agent to inquire. My agent says I am not able to add CMIA as an additional insured on my homeowner's policy but could get 1-day event insurance.


Answer: Adding CMIA as an additional insured means you are sharing your liability coverage with CMIA. We are aware that this may not be available from all insurance companies. 1-day event insurance is an acceptable alternative. Your agent will be able to best advise you on how to obtain the event coverage. Be prepared to provide the type of event and the date of the event. The minimum required is $1,00,000 liability insurance coverage.


Mosquito Spraying

Question: When does the County spray for Mosquitoes and can I opt out?


Answer: During mosquito season, the MD Dept of Ag will conduct routine adult spraying in participating communities on a weekly basis. Each community is assigned a specific night of the week. Community schedules are available by county on the Mosquito Control homepage. (see the links page)


In the past Mosquito Control spraying generally begins in our community on Wednesday nights starting May 29 between 7:00 p.m. and 2:30 a.m. The level of adult mosquito populations are monitored and spraying only happens when the population exceeds the action threshold – so not weekly. Applications ideally are made when mosquito activity is high, wind velocity is 2 to 10 mph, air temperature is between 60 to 85 degrees F, relative humidity is high and a temperature inversion exists.


If you do not want to participate in the program, you must notify the MD Dept. of Agriculture and submit a completed exemption form. Exemption applications are available at, search for the Mosquito Control program and look for the form titled Adult Mosquito Control Exemption or call Program Supervisor at 410.841.5870. This program is most effective when combined with your efforts to reduce breeding areas around your home.


Question: Why does the County spray for mosquitoes at night?


Answer: There is a decreased chance of killing beneficial insects. Keep that in mind if you spray your property separately.


MD Dept of Ag is very concerned about the effects of activities on non-target organisms, like honeybees and bats. We only conduct truck mounted spraying or misting at night. Bees are not active at night. The droplets in the spray have an extremely small diameter. The surface to mass ratio of these droplets is such that these droplets do not leave residue on surfaces. They are like tiny parachutes. When they are pulled down by gravity, drag keeps them from falling. The point is that these droplets do not land or stick on surfaces. When bees become active the next day and crawl across surfaces, those surfaces do not have any pesticide from our spray. The droplet size averages 15 micrometers.


submit for publication

Question: Can I submit something for publication in the newsletter or on a web page?


Answer: Yes, there are two forms -- one for announcements and one for articles/photos. Here are some guidelines for submissions:

  • Any submission should be concise and may be edited for clarity, content and length.
  • All links will be checked and inaccessible links deleted.
  • No copyrighted material unless you can show we have the right to re-publish.
  • Photos should be in jpeg or png format.
  • We typically won't re-publish large documents but will instead provide links when possible.
  • CMIA reserves the right to not use a submission.
  • If you are hosting a community event, provide a write up for the announcement including what, who, when, where, why and any special instructions such as cost, BYOB, parking limitations, etc.


Access to CMIA facilities, Keys, Tags by non-Residents

Question: Are Non-resident Owners or Commercial Businesses entitled to access? 


Answer: Non-resident owners are entitled to access to the community beaches and are allowed to purchase a gate key. They are not entitled to a kayak slot, ramp key, parking pass, pier wait list, or clubhouse rental for private functions. As always, any guest or employee of an owner or resident must be accompanied by the owner at all times.


Per the Carrollton Manor Constitution, "membership is not authorized for those renting or leasing within the limits on a commercial basis" (Article IV section 2). Therefore, commercial business owners and employees are not members and not entitled to keys, parking passes, ramp key, kayak slots, pier wait list, or clubhouse rental for private functions.